TEd talk: Mr. Wes Hall
The "Flawed AssumptionHow can we expect our children to vigorously participate in a process they do not value? Where springs the impetus to excel in a discipline that lacks immediate gratification and is not modeled by those in proximity? The "Flawed Assumption" in education presupposes every child who enters the classroom understands the enormous impact education has on his future well-being. Until we address that flawed thinking and replace it with corrective information designed to level the academic playing field, the achievement gap will continue to persist and negatively impact the lives of our children--and steal from our nation the genius that resides in all who enter our educational constructs.
Closing the achievement gapSometimes common sense ain't so common. What do you think would happen if you placed two individuals from opposite environments, in the same classroom, provided them the exact same instruction, and then measured their success over the course of time? Now factor in the fact that one comes from an environment where this information is used on a daily basis from birth, while the information is all but foreign to the other students. Might an "Achievement Gap," occur? Absolutely. One might call that, "Common Sense."
Wes Hall has conducted one of the nation's longest and most in-depth independent research projects measuring the attitudes and behaviors of students who emanate from economically challenged environments pertaining to education and its enormous impact of their overall future well-being. His findings caused him to develop a curriculum designed to address recurring patterns of behavior that contribute to disengagement, discipline challenges, tardiness, absenteeism, and dropout. Mr. Hall Co-Created the "Young Men of Color," Initiative for the Los Angeles Unified School District (the 2nd largest school district in the country), and has managed that initiative since 2012. He also partners with the Clark County School District and UNLV in Las Vegas where he organizes the annual Young Women's Leadership Conference. He recently Keynoted the districts "Trauma-Informed / Restorative Practices Summer Summit." He currently provides Parent Involvement Training, to parents, Professional Development, to teachers and administrators, Student Empowerment, to students, and Trauma-Informed / Restorative Practices training, to all adult stakeholders. |